Home Reviews STEPN GO and STEPN OG Comparison

STEPN GO and STEPN OG Comparison

by Ben

FSL announced in their townhall that they are launching a new move-to-earn fitness app called STEPN GO.

Let’s take a look of what we know about STEPN GO and how it will compare with STEPN OG (Original)

Earning MechanicsGGT (Unlimited Supply)GST (Unlimited Supply)
or GMT (Limited Supply) for level 30 shoe
Able to Earn GMT?Solo Run = No.
However, able to earn from the Schadenfreude Pool by compete against each other.
Higher ‘Karma’ Attribute, Higher Earning Chance.
Solo Run = Yes but with Level 30 shoes
Sneaker TypesWalker
Same as GO
Sneaker QualityCommon
Same as GO
Energy SystemBurn Sneakers to receive Energy and increase Energy CapMore Sneakers = More Energy
Able to lend ShoeYesNo
Shoes Minting2 shoes – 1 Left and 1 Right Foot
Require GGT
Any 2 shoes
Require GST, GMT and Scroll
Max Minting per shoeMax 7 shoes.
GGT cost increase after each mint.
Max 7 shoes.
GST and GMT increase after each mint
Mystery Box Opening CountdownHas countdown but 0 cost to open MBHas countdown and require GST to open MB
Mystery Box DropOnly drop level 1 raw stonesDepends on the level of MB. MB may drop up to level 3 gems
Earning Mystery BoxRequire uncommon or higher quality sneakersAny level of sneakers
Maximum Mystery Box4 boxes.
Able to increase up to 8 boxes by burning GM
Max 4 boxes.
ConsistencyPlayer may only earn 50% to 150% for the first 14 days and 150% after 14 days.

If user is inactive for more than 60 days, there will be a 90% reduction of earning.
Not Applicable
EnergyReset 50% every 12 hoursReset 25% every 6 hours
Cost to insert and remove GemInsert is free but removing require burning GGTInsert and removing are free

What will happened to STEPN OG?

FSL assured that they are not abandoning STEPN. As you can see from the table, you cannot earn GMT with STEPN Go and STEPN Go is clearly a social app which they have incorporate social, interactive map and PvP.


From the comparison table, STEPN Go is clearly different from STEPN OG with the social, avatar features.

Learning from STEPN OG, they have fix a few things which would stabilize the marketplace:-

  • All level of Mystery Boxes give level 1 stone. Unlike OG which higher MB gives higher level of stones and player can flood the market
  • Get more energy cap by burning shoes. Unlike OG which you hoard more shoes to get more energy, GO reduce the number of shoes in the market and hence making shoes more valuable

If you are not a regular jogger and want consistent earning, you probably want to stick with STEP OG since it does not ‘punish’ you if you pause in between. However, if you exercise regularly and if the GGT token price is great, it is probably more profitable to use STEPN Go.


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