Checkout my real actual earning of AddSlice after running for a week.
What is AddSlice?
AddSlice allows you to earn money while browsing or watching YouTube. To earn, you will need to register an account and install a browser extension.
While you were browsing or watching YouTube, an ad will popup on the bottom right.

What’s the catch?
Earning can only withdraw after 30 days
There is no way to close the ad as it is displayed via Chrome Extension
My Earning
It seemed that the maximum Ad it will popup in my computer is 80 ads per day.
For the past 1 week, I can only earn a maximum of 20 sats which is $0.02 per day.
Based on this stats:-
1 day = $0.02
30 days = $0.60
365 days = $7.30

How to Maximize Your Earning
There are survey in the AddSlice Dashboard which you can do to earn extra slices/sats or you can refer to your friends and earn 10% of their earnings.