Going to build a new photography website which will be maintain by my friend and myself.
Am looking at the current popular PHP frameworks which need to fufil the following requirement
- rapid development
- easy maintainance
- user account management
- file upload
- able to integrate easily with image manipulation library (GD lib)
- Suitable for a shared-hosting environment
Currently shortlisted
Had do some googling and below are the pros and cons for each frameworks
- easy to code
- built in security access
- access of data via arrays
- Quite new as compare to Symony
- No (or little?) test functionality?
- able to build an enterprise app (otherwise why would yahoo use it?)
- access of data via propel or doctrine (i.e. object oriented) as they are well supported
- Able to reload data easily
- Able to create test cases
- steep learning curve
- Complicated?
I decided to give myself a week to learn Syfmony before I decide which framework to use.